Writers Book Fair is a company that offers windows of opportunities to hype your book at major book fairs in the United States and all around the globe. We deliver book exhibits that are vital confluences for top traditional publishers and leading movie rights agents, who scout for books they want to represent and assist authors gain rewarding traction for their books.
Likewise, WBF provides an extensive range of publishing and marketing services. We offer essential promotional tools for you to connect with the readers as we deliver the most prominent platforms for publishing printed works and broadcasting the efficacy of structured marketing in every nook and cranny of the world of literature.
Be a part of our journey and savor the perks of the limelight with us. So, whether you’re introducing a new title or considering a new way to promote your works, we have the perfect options for any best-selling or aspiring author!
Contact us:
Email: billing@writersbookfair.com
Phone: +1 315-375-9104
Address: 447 Broadway 2nd FL #530, New York, NY 10013